

OptiPass is a Microsoft Windows® based program for optimizing the mitigation of artificial barriers, which block or otherwise reduce the dispersal of diadromous (aka migratory) fish. The program integrates information on barrier passability (upstream and or downstream), mitigation cost, and potential river habitat gain for one or more target species in order to identify cost-efficient passage improvement strategies. Critically, OptiPass employs state-of-the-art optimization modeling and solution techniques, explicitly taking into consideration the spatial structure of barriers and the interactive effects of passage improvement on longitudinal connectivity. Optimization based methods provide a systematic and objective means of targeting barrier mitigation actions which maximize restoration gains given available resources. OptiPass represents a radical improvement over the ad-hoc methods commonly used in barrier prioritization planning. 

OptiPass comes replete with a graphical user interface to quickly and easily generate optimized solutions. Additional functionalities have been built into OptiPass for performing batch runs across a range of budget values, varying the weights placed on different target species, and carrying out more detailed “what-if” type analyses such as changing the spatial focus (i.e., selecting subsets of watersheds for detailed study) and forcing specific barriers in or out of the final optimal solution. Besides being useful for strategically targeting high impact barriers within a given area that yield the “biggest bang for the buck,” OptiPass can also be used in a variety of other ways such as in the short-listing of projects submitted for potential funding and helping to identify appropriate levels of investment in barrier mitigation that meet defined policy planning goals.


OptiPass is provided free, exclusively for non-commercial purposes. This includes use by academic institutions (e.g., universities and research centers), charities, nonprofit corporations, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and local, state, federal, and tribal agencies.

A commercial license of OptiPass is required when used as part of any for-profit application. This includes, but is not limited to:

The use of OptiPass by corporations, sole proprietors, partnerships or any other for-profit business entity requires a commercial license. License fees are available upon request. Please contact Ecotelligence LLC (info@ecotelligence.net) for more information.

User Manual

OptiPass User Manual v1.1.3.pdf